
Showing posts from October, 2010

Dialektika Tentang Manusia Lewat Homo Floresiensis

Homo Florsesiensis adalah spesies yang ditemukan pada tahun 2007 di Liang Bua, Flores, NTT, Indonesia. Penemuan tentang spesies manusia baru diluar daripada Homo Sapiens dan Homo Neandertal di tanah flores ini secara tidak langsung mengubah konsep manusia yang sekarang sudah terbentuk di dunia. Dalam peradaban sekarang, manusia tergolong dalam spesies Homo Sapiens. Perkembangan tentang bagaimana manusia untuk menjadi manusia seperti sekarang pun, yakni melalui evolusi, masih mempunyai banyak pertentangan dan berbagai macam teori dukungan dan sanggahan. Sedangkan nenek moyang Homo Floresiensis dikatakan berasal dari Homo Erectus yang kemudian mengembara dan berhenti di ujung lautan di Flores, diluar fakta bahwa masih banyak kontroversi tentang eksistensi dari Homo Floresiensis itu sendiri. Yang sangat menarik dari fenomena ini adalah bahwa Homo Floresiensis adalah jenis manusia yang mempunyai tinggi badan maksimal 100 cm, yang menurut para ahli antropologi, merupakan salah satu be...

Insecurity: Because to Love is to Become Insecure

  "For the words that flows from your heart are my finest tranquilizer"  The story began when loads of smoke exhaled throughout my mouth, the uncountable substances that flew out from my mouth to fill the room that fully loaded with unstable people that would like to complete themselves thoroughly, for their essence in life are to seek the meaning of life by living their life undeniably, free from our tight social-constructed system. I have had a contenting experience with the one, whose name is reflecting the purpose of my own life to illuminate the black nights, ascribing the essence of loneliness that indirectly spoke in the name of the truth, and then conquered it once and for all, for today. For the taper always be the source of light in our small and peaceful hut, and the stars always shine to direct the way in the age of the darkness, accompanying pilgrims to wade the oceans, all over again. And there will be Set, our mighty Egyptian god that always have killed ...

When I was just ...

When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother, "What would I be?" "Will I be famous, will I be rich?" Here's what she said to me "Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be" "The future is not ours to see, que sera sera" When I was just a child in school, I asked my teacher, "What should I try?" "Should I take photos, or should I write?" This was his wise reply "Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be" "The future is not ours to see, que sera sera" When I grew up and fell in love, I asked my sweetheart "What lies ahead?" "Will we have rainbows, day after day?" Here's what my sweetheart said. "Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be" "The future is not ours to see, que sera sera"

Mitos dan Logika

Sejak zaman dahulu banyak sekali bentuk-bentuk kebijaksanaan yang dijewantahkan dalam bentuk cerita dan mitos-mitos sederhana agar dapat dimengerti dan diterapkan dengan mudah oleh masyarakat awam. Sejak zaman dahulu manusia telah berusaha menjelaskan konsep diri mereka sebagai manusia dan hubungan mereka dengan alamnya lewat ilmu filsafat sederhana bernama mitos. Mitos bukanlah sesuatu yang lahir begitu saja tanpa penjelasan apa-apa. Segala sesuatu yang ada di balik cerita rakyat dan legenda dibagian mana pun di dunia ini pasti mempunyai sebuah nilai yang disusupkan di baliknya. Kita ambil contoh mitos Horus dan Set di Mesir, juga Thor dan Frejya di Norwegia. Melalui mitos tentang Horus dan Set kita belajar tentang keseimbangan antara siang dan malam. Horus digambarkan sebagai matahari yang membunuh malam yang gelap, sementara Set adalah malam yang selalu akan membunuh siang. Horus dan Set adalah penjelasan peradaban mula-mula tentang pergantian hari dan metamorfosa di balik har...

One of The Ways

  “Even if thousands of Socrates resurrects and have another thousand years of dialectics, still they could not describe this Love." - Mahatma Putra Photo: Mahatma Putra 's Personal Archive What I am about to write is something that is corny and shallow when it is not being experienced. It is about one's purpose in life, to find a moment when someone feels complete thoroughly. A moment when life and dead, are no longer the main points of joy and fear. Questions about God are no longer relevant when you experienced Him/Her. That moment of that experienced named love. It is all one have to experience, to feel the rush that given directly from that transcendent being, and often given separately into the hearts of two human being. Therefore, it will become something astonishing that drive them remarkably crazy to find that other half -I like to understand it as arche 1 . One’s search will stop when they give up. But for me personally, giving up is not a condition...