Mbah Prawiro -2006

Portrait of a fortune teller whom usually practicing at Fatahillah Museum. Mbah Prawiro ask for Rp 25.000,00 (about 2,5 USD) for reading your prevision. He's a popular photo subject (I prefer to call him photo subject rather than object) among the Jakarta's photographic community. Based on info among the community, Mbah Prawiro passed away in 2007.

Potret seorang peramal yang biasa berpraktek di Museum Fatahillah. Mbah Prawiro meminta bayaran Rp. 25.000,00 untuk membaca masa depan anda. Dia terkenal sebagai subjek foto (saya lebih suka menyebutnya subjek foto daripada objek) diantara komunitas fotografi Jakarta. Berdasarkan info dari komunitas, Mbah Wiro meninggal di tahun 2007.

Praying for guidance before begin to read prevision, usually by reading face or palmistry.
Photo by Mahatma Putra.

Mbah Wiro, his eyes and every line in his face tells history. Photo by Mahatma Putra.


Poetra Wahyudi said…
wuih keren nih poto,, muka mbahnya ituloh,,mistiss bgt put,,apa mbah2 jaman dulu mukanya selalu penuh dengan kemistisan ya?
Anonymous said…
hehe.. kayaknya sih emang mistis put..

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